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For each child variable event

For each child variable (of a structure or array)

For each child variable events give the child variables from structure variables (or arrays) one at a time to their sub-events.

This event stores the value of each child variable (as a string or number) and the name of the child variable (as a string) into the scene variables you specify in the parameters of the event.

How to add this event

Right click (or long press) on an existing event and choose "Add Other" in the menu. Then, select the event you want to add. Alternatively, click on the "Plus" icon in the toolbar or on "Add..." at the bottom of the events sheet.


  • Define a structure variable (Fruits) with multiple child variables (Apple, Avocado, Banana)

  • Loop through the child objects and change the text to show the name and value of the child object.

  • The game preview will now show the correct values.


The for each object event page explains how to loop on objects one by one.